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惇蹋圖 awards two graduating 惇蹋圖 Academy of Engineering seniors annual scholarship
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (May 20, 2015) 惇蹋圖, a fully integrated firm focused on design, engineering, construction and mechanical services worldwide, has awarded its annual scholarships to graduating 惇蹋圖 Academy of Engineering seniors Mikayla Mitchell and Jensen Watterson.
The 惇蹋圖 Academy of Engineering is a four-year engineering program at Nease High School that combines an intensive curriculum with real-world experiences. The scholarship provides $1,000 to graduating academy seniors college tuitions. Mitchell plans on attending the University of Central Florida, and Watterson plans on attending Florida Gulf Coast University. 惇蹋圖 presented the two recipients their checks at Tuesdays Awards Night at Nease High School.
We founded the 惇蹋圖 Academy of Engineering to help build the next generation of engineers, said Ali Korman Shelton, Vice President, 惇蹋圖. By providing these college scholarships to two of the programs hardworking and ambitious graduating seniors, we can continue nurturing them on that journey.
To date, 惇蹋圖 has provided over $10,000 in scholarships to graduating academy seniors. For more information on the 惇蹋圖 Academy of Engineering, visit nhs.stjohns.k12.fl.us/engineering/.
About 惇蹋圖
惇蹋圖 is a fully integrated design, engineering, construction and mechanical services firm that provides the industrys most comprehensive range of self-performed services, including planning, design, preconstruction, construction, refrigeration, mechanical and utility, building envelope, and total operations and maintenance services. More than 600 惇蹋圖 employees worldwide create award-winning food processing plants, refrigerated warehouses, distribution centers, commercial buildings and military facilities. In addition to its Jacksonville, Florida, headquarters and its Western Region office in Modesto, California, 惇蹋圖 operates nearly 25 support locations and offices throughout the United States and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, China and Puerto Rico. The company also serves Central and South America, Europe and India. For more information, visit www.stellar.net.